Directed by Alexandra (Charlie) McLaughlin
Produced by Alexandra (Charlie) McLaughlin and Brittany Teo
A university student starts vlogging and struggles to deal with change.
Adventures of a Stickman
Directed by Kate Allsebrook
A stickman wants to escape the office before the humans come back.
Directed by Anastasiia Platoshyna, Victoria Aldis, Irin Byun, Mike Chen, Sujin Kim, Seung-Ju Lee, Victoria Mietus, and Grace Yoo
A mother goes through stages of grief after a tragedy.
Directed by Astrid Harrison
Produced by Vivian Toth
Ariana struggles through her writer's block to compose a song about a tragedy.
Directed by Arthur H. Lee
The story of the Avro Arrow's legacy.
Directed by Maisie Jacobson
Produced by Joshua Eisen and Alison MacMillan
In a tiny Montreal apartment, LED lights flash, illuminating bizarre portraits and fantastical machines.
Directed by Jackie Droujko, Antonio Caggiano
Two burglars get a run for their money when they try to rob a mansion.
Breath of Life
Directed by Fiona Cleary
Produced by Justin MacDonald
The journey of how Helene Campbell becomes a champion of organ donation awareness.
Breathe, Maggie, Breathe
Directed by Sofie Uretsky
A high school girl gets an abortion without telling her boyfriend.
But Wait There's More
Directed by Mike Mildon
Produced by Jessica Holloway
An awkward Jehovah's Witness is given a lesson by a washed-up infomercial spokesman.
Directed by Hanna Jovin
Produced by Marissa Bergougnou and Aldo Mauro
An unlikely friendship forms between two girls in 1940's Nazi Occupied Bosnia.
Directed by Samuel Liu
From ancient primordial seas, the origins of life on earth emerge.
Directed by Carol Nguyen
An exploration of human connection within a flawed system.
Directed by Erica Orofino
Produced by Jonathan Elliott, Abdul Malik, Shant Joshi, Shane R. Preston, and Aaron DiMaria
Haunted by a presence in her bedroom, Francois loses herself in her neighbour's world.
Directed by Brittany Johnson
Produced by Alli Chung
All of Erika's friends are getting married but she's not too enthusiastic about it.
Directed by Haaris Qadri
Produced by the Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival
Fathima struggles to understand her mother's cultural expectations of beauty.
Happy Face Hill
Directed by Samantha Chalmers
Produced by Garcy Hughes
Andrew Sitler's makes the best of his land being divided by Hespeler Road.
Hell Of A Gap
Directed by Caitlin English
Produced by Caitlin English, Eric Frank, Chris Boyle, Jacqueline Costa
Two angels from Heaven to do the same job but one is being paid more.
Hi, It's Your Mother
Directed by Daniel Sterlin-Altman
A tragi-comedy about a mother's love for her child, and sometimes vice versa.
It's Not Me, It's You
Directed by Zavia Forrest
A young Black girl negotiates her complex identity against society's understanding of blackness.
Life in a Box
Directed by Megan Harrison
Across the world, thousands of prisoners are being put on display.
Directed by Anna Hardie and Luba Maslej
Produced by Andrew McHaffie
Is it better to paint over our laws with colour, or stare at the white walls that protect us?
Love Stinks
Directed by Alicia Harris
Produced by Rebeca Ortiz
Jay acquires a Playgirl magazine and tries to magically kick-start their entry into womanhood.
Directed by Caio de Campos Baú
Luiza's sexuality is a guide to address prejudice, family overprotection, autonomy, and love.
Directed by Callahan Bracken
Piano teacher, Madoka Murata, speaks about her connection to the spirit world.
Mammary Gland Malfunction
Directed by Robyn Laliberte
Produced by Katie Alguire and David Dines
Corey must navigate through high school while hiding a bizarre secret.
My Baba's Kitchen
Directed by Stephanie Turenko
Produced by Matthew Zyla
An exploration of the binding forces of culture, music and food.
Directed by Ali Kellner
The story of a Hungarian grandmother that survived as a Jewish prisoner during the Holocaust.
No Hentai
Directed by Richard Dang
A reclusive manga writer must overcome his anime porn addiction.
Directed by Katerina Zoumboulakis
Athena embarks on a journey to cure her sadness.
On Wednesdays We Dance
Directed by Gayle Ye
Produced by Michelle Koerssen
On Wednesdays, salsa music is playing, hips are twisting, and wheels are turning.
Our Missing Pieces
Directed by Myles Milne
Produced by Matthew Evans
Four moments of quiet intimacy in the busy metropolis of Tokyo, Japan.
Peep Show
Directed by Sam Holling
A young boy becomes infatuated with his aunt while attending a family Christmas party.
Playing by the Pledge
Directed and Produced by Kayla McLean, Jeff Hall, Nolan Cattell, and Sarah Jenkins
First Nations youth gather in Mississauga to compete in the 46th LNHL tournament.
Directed by Tanziba Awal
Produced by Alec Mahon and Josee Vaillancourt
A young ghost is given the job of scaring an old man out of his house.
Project: CNY
Directed by Sean Kung
Produced by ACTRA Toronto’s Young Emerging Actors Assembly
Q must juggle the fate of the world with family matters.
Directed by Akil McKenize
Produced by Emily Rennie
After losing his vision in the boxing ring, Ronan trains to fight under his new circumstances.
Directed by Jerry Shu
The story of Midas, but in reverse.
Sit Down, Rise Up
Directed by Paul Daniel Torres Canessa
Produced by Michael Krahn
A visual exploration of struggle through the use of music and percussion.
Directed by Plum Holtz Carriere
Produced by the Toronto Animated Image Society
The cycle of life and spring.
Superfire: Changing the Face of Disability
Directed by Marley Abdull
A group of people pursue their love of music and discover it's healing power.
The Reason For the Sun
Directed by Kyiele Gaspard
Produced by Joshua Rooplall
A touching retelling of the classic dragon's tale.
The Talk
Directed by Tyler Boyco
Produced by Tanner Sawatzky and Sydney van Delft
Neil and Carol tries to have an uncomfortable conversation.
The Things You'll Miss
Directed by Juliana Zhang
If you spend too much time on your cell phone, you will miss what is happening around you.
The Voices
Directed by Alé Ne Reis
Produced by the Toronto Animated Image Society
A black cat has anxiety with day to day triggers.
These Familiar Faces
Directed by Maximum Brauch and Raine Akiyama-Chen
When we lose our recollection, what are we left with?
Trial By Fire
Directed by Liam Ryan
Produced by Jordi Mora and Sidharth Popli
Patrick is taken hunting for the first time and is faced with a choice.
Tuna & the Whale
Directed by Nastasia Pappas-Kemps
A teenager and her sister's German boyfriend form a friendship.
Directed by Sara Linares Arbelaez
Produced by Suzy Queen
Cycling aficionados create a safe space for the community to fix their bikes.
Directed by Nada El-Omari
Produced by Tierra Escoffery and Anthony Brezovsky
Daisy Lumsden recounts her time in the Huronia Regional Centre.
Why Do Flowers Die?
Directed by Annie Amaya
Rose begins to question why people give flowers as gifts when her own start to die.
With a Little Help
Directed by Dinaly Tran
Produced by the Toronto Animated Image Society
Friendship can help you find your own way when you're pressured to be another.
Zo's Code
Directed by Stefan Hicks-Rubel
Produced by Stephanie Leung
Zo uses technological knowledge to protect the world with her step-brother and brilliant pet hedgehog.
Directed by Alexandra (Charlie) McLaughlin
Produced by Alexandra (Charlie) McLaughlin and Brittany Teo
A university student starts vlogging and struggles to deal with change.
Adventures of a Stickman
Directed by Kate Allsebrook
A stickman wants to escape the office before the humans come back.
Directed by Anastasiia Platoshyna, Victoria Aldis, Irin Byun, Mike Chen, Sujin Kim, Seung-Ju Lee, Victoria Mietus, and Grace Yoo
A mother goes through stages of grief after a tragedy.
Directed by Astrid Harrison
Produced by Vivian Toth
Ariana struggles through her writer's block to compose a song about a tragedy.
Directed by Arthur H. Lee
The story of the Avro Arrow's legacy.
Directed by Maisie Jacobson
Produced by Joshua Eisen and Alison MacMillan
In a tiny Montreal apartment, LED lights flash, illuminating bizarre portraits and fantastical machines.
Directed by Jackie Droujko, Antonio Caggiano
Two burglars get a run for their money when they try to rob a mansion.
Breath of Life
Directed by Fiona Cleary
Produced by Justin MacDonald
The journey of how Helene Campbell becomes a champion of organ donation awareness.
Breathe, Maggie, Breathe
Directed by Sofie Uretsky
A high school girl gets an abortion without telling her boyfriend.
But Wait There's More
Directed by Mike Mildon
Produced by Jessica Holloway
An awkward Jehovah's Witness is given a lesson by a washed-up infomercial spokesman.
Directed by Hanna Jovin
Produced by Marissa Bergougnou and Aldo Mauro
An unlikely friendship forms between two girls in 1940's Nazi Occupied Bosnia.
Directed by Samuel Liu
From ancient primordial seas, the origins of life on earth emerge.
Directed by Carol Nguyen
An exploration of human connection within a flawed system.
Directed by Erica Orofino
Produced by Jonathan Elliott, Abdul Malik, Shant Joshi, Shane R. Preston, and Aaron DiMaria
Haunted by a presence in her bedroom, Francois loses herself in her neighbour's world.
Directed by Brittany Johnson
Produced by Alli Chung
All of Erika's friends are getting married but she's not too enthusiastic about it.
Directed by Haaris Qadri
Produced by the Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival
Fathima struggles to understand her mother's cultural expectations of beauty.
Happy Face Hill
Directed by Samantha Chalmers
Produced by Garcy Hughes
Andrew Sitler's makes the best of his land being divided by Hespeler Road.
Hell Of A Gap
Directed by Caitlin English
Produced by Caitlin English, Eric Frank, Chris Boyle, Jacqueline Costa
Two angels from Heaven to do the same job but one is being paid more.
Hi, It's Your Mother
Directed by Daniel Sterlin-Altman
A tragi-comedy about a mother's love for her child, and sometimes vice versa.
It's Not Me, It's You
Directed by Zavia Forrest
A young Black girl negotiates her complex identity against society's understanding of blackness.
Life in a Box
Directed by Megan Harrison
Across the world, thousands of prisoners are being put on display.
Directed by Anna Hardie and Luba Maslej
Produced by Andrew McHaffie
Is it better to paint over our laws with colour, or stare at the white walls that protect us?
Love Stinks
Directed by Alicia Harris
Produced by Rebeca Ortiz
Jay acquires a Playgirl magazine and tries to magically kick-start their entry into womanhood.
Directed by Caio de Campos Baú
Luiza's sexuality is a guide to address prejudice, family overprotection, autonomy, and love.
Directed by Callahan Bracken
Piano teacher, Madoka Murata, speaks about her connection to the spirit world.
Mammary Gland Malfunction
Directed by Robyn Laliberte
Produced by Katie Alguire and David Dines
Corey must navigate through high school while hiding a bizarre secret.
My Baba's Kitchen
Directed by Stephanie Turenko
Produced by Matthew Zyla
An exploration of the binding forces of culture, music and food.
Directed by Ali Kellner
The story of a Hungarian grandmother that survived as a Jewish prisoner during the Holocaust.
No Hentai
Directed by Richard Dang
A reclusive manga writer must overcome his anime porn addiction.
Directed by Katerina Zoumboulakis
Athena embarks on a journey to cure her sadness.
On Wednesdays We Dance
Directed by Gayle Ye
Produced by Michelle Koerssen
On Wednesdays, salsa music is playing, hips are twisting, and wheels are turning.
Our Missing Pieces
Directed by Myles Milne
Produced by Matthew Evans
Four moments of quiet intimacy in the busy metropolis of Tokyo, Japan.
Peep Show
Directed by Sam Holling
A young boy becomes infatuated with his aunt while attending a family Christmas party.
Playing by the Pledge
Directed and Produced by Kayla McLean, Jeff Hall, Nolan Cattell, and Sarah Jenkins
First Nations youth gather in Mississauga to compete in the 46th LNHL tournament.
Directed by Tanziba Awal
Produced by Alec Mahon and Josee Vaillancourt
A young ghost is given the job of scaring an old man out of his house.
Project: CNY
Directed by Sean Kung
Produced by ACTRA Toronto’s Young Emerging Actors Assembly
Q must juggle the fate of the world with family matters.
Directed by Akil McKenize
Produced by Emily Rennie
After losing his vision in the boxing ring, Ronan trains to fight under his new circumstances.
Directed by Jerry Shu
The story of Midas, but in reverse.
Sit Down, Rise Up
Directed by Paul Daniel Torres Canessa
Produced by Michael Krahn
A visual exploration of struggle through the use of music and percussion.
Directed by Plum Holtz Carriere
Produced by the Toronto Animated Image Society
The cycle of life and spring.
Superfire: Changing the Face of Disability
Directed by Marley Abdull
A group of people pursue their love of music and discover it's healing power.
The Reason For the Sun
Directed by Kyiele Gaspard
Produced by Joshua Rooplall
A touching retelling of the classic dragon's tale.
The Talk
Directed by Tyler Boyco
Produced by Tanner Sawatzky and Sydney van Delft
Neil and Carol tries to have an uncomfortable conversation.
The Things You'll Miss
Directed by Juliana Zhang
If you spend too much time on your cell phone, you will miss what is happening around you.
The Voices
Directed by Alé Ne Reis
Produced by the Toronto Animated Image Society
A black cat has anxiety with day to day triggers.
These Familiar Faces
Directed by Maximum Brauch and Raine Akiyama-Chen
When we lose our recollection, what are we left with?
Trial By Fire
Directed by Liam Ryan
Produced by Jordi Mora and Sidharth Popli
Patrick is taken hunting for the first time and is faced with a choice.
Tuna & the Whale
Directed by Nastasia Pappas-Kemps
A teenager and her sister's German boyfriend form a friendship.
Directed by Sara Linares Arbelaez
Produced by Suzy Queen
Cycling aficionados create a safe space for the community to fix their bikes.
Directed by Nada El-Omari
Produced by Tierra Escoffery and Anthony Brezovsky
Daisy Lumsden recounts her time in the Huronia Regional Centre.
Why Do Flowers Die?
Directed by Annie Amaya
Rose begins to question why people give flowers as gifts when her own start to die.
With a Little Help
Directed by Dinaly Tran
Produced by the Toronto Animated Image Society
Friendship can help you find your own way when you're pressured to be another.
Zo's Code
Directed by Stefan Hicks-Rubel
Produced by Stephanie Leung
Zo uses technological knowledge to protect the world with her step-brother and brilliant pet hedgehog.