24 to Life
Directed by Daniel Whidden - Drama
A janitor at an orphanage helps a boy fulfill a few of his wishes.
A Slice of Life
Directed by Emily Powell - Documentary
Emily decides to test her luck and serve up something sweet.
Directed by Katarina Antonic - Animation
A seductress threatens to break a couple up.
Backwards Rider
Directed by Chris Barnard - Documentary
Lesley Slowley is a local artist and environmentalist with a backwards riding philosophy.
Bad Movie
Directed by Trevor Chartrand - Documentary
Some people love guilty-pleasure cheesy movies and would flock to the cinemas to see them over and over again.
Directed by Alex Kingsmill - Animation/Fiction
What's there to do on Mars?
Blind Luck
Directed by Diane Aarts - Animation
A seeing eye dog must choose between playing with his ball and guiding its owner.
Breaking Over Me
Directed by Luise Docherty - Drama
Isla never understood the concept of losing someone until she visits a funeral service one afternoon.
Dolime Dilemma: Water Proof?
Directed by Kristy Neville - Documentary
Guelph’s pure water source is threatened from the actions of a mining company and the various levels of government are at odds due to different interests.
Feathered Bullets
Directed by David Fyfe - Documentary
Richard Fyfe's efforts 40 years ago kept the peregrine falcon from going extinct. His grandson, David, documents others who continues Richard's efforts.
Feathers and Roots
Directed by Andrew Bundas - Documentary
An artist reflects on his upbringing and reveals some of his inner pain.
Heart of Perception
Directed by Fabiola Alliu - Drama
John is a homeless man visited frequently by his daughter Alice. Alice takes up photography as a way to make peace with the situation.
I Wish For…
Directed by Dhenzel Obeny - Animation/Alternative
An experimental animation asks if we have forgotten the gifts that have made our society functional.
In Bubble Trouble
Directed by Iain Lew Kee - Animation
A boy finds a way to escape detention.
Jordans or Justice
Produced by the U Shift Film Program - Documentary
A group of youth examine the intracacies of Jordan sneakers, how they come about and the meaning of wearing them.
Loss Together
Directed by Earl Oliveros - Comedy
How do you express pain for the loss of someone you barely know?
Mask of Insecurities
Directed by Nicole Monticchio - Public Service Announcement
Do you dare take of your mask and show the world who you are?
Mile Zero
Directed by Roop Gill and Jean Francois Taylor - Documentary
Two friends travel across the country to raise money and awareness for prostate cancer research.
Open Invitation
Directed by Jae Woo Park - Comedy
A Korean man tries to avoid his mandatory military service.
Directed by Benjamin Brook - Animation
One member of a group is left out until a hidden talent is revealed.
Our Best Friends
Directed by Aiden Jeans - Documentary
Pet-owners provide interviews and reenactments of when they lost a dear friend.
Directed by Maikol Pinto - Drama
When a news signal seemingly from the future is aired, causing political factions and communities to be at odds with each other.
Raising Bigfoot
Directed by Aaron Robson - Comedy
Bigfoot is caught and a scientist tries to domesticate it in his home.
Some Other Just Ones
Directed by Caroline O'Neill - Animation/Alternative
An experimental animation set to poetry about the unsung heroes of the world.
Directed by Kirsten Whiteley - Animation
Spectra is a happy little girl who wants to make a difference in her dark and depressing world.
Directed by Ben Brommell - Documentary
Kyle Freeman became an accidental activist when Canadian Blood Services sued him for flaunting a controversial policy on who can donate blood.
The Beautiful Dead
Directed by Spencer Ryerson - Documentary
Joe Caputo, a forensics photographer for the Toronto Police, uses fine art photography as a hobby to cope with the job.
The Hidden Land of Cano Palma
Directed by Julia Kim - Documentary
Documenting the biodiversity and conservation challenges of the Cano Palma Biological Station and the hope for success in the area.
The Music Box
Directed by Nicole Bazuin - Drama
A music box provides inspiration to a girl as she dreams of her aspirations for when she grows up.
The Smash Girls Adventure
Directed by Melodie Nguyen and Miranda MacAskill - Comedy
Melodie and her partner Mirandachu must explore game-land to find seven magical cookies. Because cookies are fun.
Vernal Equinox
Directed by Haiwei Hou - Animation
A warrior must fight the beast holding Spring hostage to end the torment of a forever winter.
Directed by Daniel Whidden - Drama
A janitor at an orphanage helps a boy fulfill a few of his wishes.
A Slice of Life
Directed by Emily Powell - Documentary
Emily decides to test her luck and serve up something sweet.
Directed by Katarina Antonic - Animation
A seductress threatens to break a couple up.
Backwards Rider
Directed by Chris Barnard - Documentary
Lesley Slowley is a local artist and environmentalist with a backwards riding philosophy.
Bad Movie
Directed by Trevor Chartrand - Documentary
Some people love guilty-pleasure cheesy movies and would flock to the cinemas to see them over and over again.
Directed by Alex Kingsmill - Animation/Fiction
What's there to do on Mars?
Blind Luck
Directed by Diane Aarts - Animation
A seeing eye dog must choose between playing with his ball and guiding its owner.
Breaking Over Me
Directed by Luise Docherty - Drama
Isla never understood the concept of losing someone until she visits a funeral service one afternoon.
Dolime Dilemma: Water Proof?
Directed by Kristy Neville - Documentary
Guelph’s pure water source is threatened from the actions of a mining company and the various levels of government are at odds due to different interests.
Feathered Bullets
Directed by David Fyfe - Documentary
Richard Fyfe's efforts 40 years ago kept the peregrine falcon from going extinct. His grandson, David, documents others who continues Richard's efforts.
Feathers and Roots
Directed by Andrew Bundas - Documentary
An artist reflects on his upbringing and reveals some of his inner pain.
Heart of Perception
Directed by Fabiola Alliu - Drama
John is a homeless man visited frequently by his daughter Alice. Alice takes up photography as a way to make peace with the situation.
I Wish For…
Directed by Dhenzel Obeny - Animation/Alternative
An experimental animation asks if we have forgotten the gifts that have made our society functional.
In Bubble Trouble
Directed by Iain Lew Kee - Animation
A boy finds a way to escape detention.
Jordans or Justice
Produced by the U Shift Film Program - Documentary
A group of youth examine the intracacies of Jordan sneakers, how they come about and the meaning of wearing them.
Loss Together
Directed by Earl Oliveros - Comedy
How do you express pain for the loss of someone you barely know?
Mask of Insecurities
Directed by Nicole Monticchio - Public Service Announcement
Do you dare take of your mask and show the world who you are?
Mile Zero
Directed by Roop Gill and Jean Francois Taylor - Documentary
Two friends travel across the country to raise money and awareness for prostate cancer research.
Open Invitation
Directed by Jae Woo Park - Comedy
A Korean man tries to avoid his mandatory military service.
Directed by Benjamin Brook - Animation
One member of a group is left out until a hidden talent is revealed.
Our Best Friends
Directed by Aiden Jeans - Documentary
Pet-owners provide interviews and reenactments of when they lost a dear friend.
Directed by Maikol Pinto - Drama
When a news signal seemingly from the future is aired, causing political factions and communities to be at odds with each other.
Raising Bigfoot
Directed by Aaron Robson - Comedy
Bigfoot is caught and a scientist tries to domesticate it in his home.
Some Other Just Ones
Directed by Caroline O'Neill - Animation/Alternative
An experimental animation set to poetry about the unsung heroes of the world.
Directed by Kirsten Whiteley - Animation
Spectra is a happy little girl who wants to make a difference in her dark and depressing world.
Directed by Ben Brommell - Documentary
Kyle Freeman became an accidental activist when Canadian Blood Services sued him for flaunting a controversial policy on who can donate blood.
The Beautiful Dead
Directed by Spencer Ryerson - Documentary
Joe Caputo, a forensics photographer for the Toronto Police, uses fine art photography as a hobby to cope with the job.
The Hidden Land of Cano Palma
Directed by Julia Kim - Documentary
Documenting the biodiversity and conservation challenges of the Cano Palma Biological Station and the hope for success in the area.
The Music Box
Directed by Nicole Bazuin - Drama
A music box provides inspiration to a girl as she dreams of her aspirations for when she grows up.
The Smash Girls Adventure
Directed by Melodie Nguyen and Miranda MacAskill - Comedy
Melodie and her partner Mirandachu must explore game-land to find seven magical cookies. Because cookies are fun.
Vernal Equinox
Directed by Haiwei Hou - Animation
A warrior must fight the beast holding Spring hostage to end the torment of a forever winter.